Sunday, June 29, 2008

where's the summer going?

it's been nearly a month since i've last blogged and so much has happened. our cat died, we got a new cat (and Jesus is his name), we've had a bathroom gutted, we've installed a wood stove, our son has come home from norway where he lived for six months and we bought him a new car. we also have been dealing/coping/trying to get through my mother in  law's cancer which is back again and painful. can't go there just now. 
i've been working away on my book that is due to the publisher in mid august. it's all about sex, sex, sex, what else? oh yes, flirtation. courtship tips. ever since my son has come home and we're watching reality shows together like one on peer pressure where a young woman who is a career waitress at Hooters decides she'll earn more money if she gets her boobs done. and it's true. she does. $300 a month more, woo hoo. that represents a car payment or 3 weeks worth of gas. the economy is so scary now and yet we live like we're made of money. that's so bedford, LOL

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