Friday, August 16, 2013

My pony is ailing

Poor Buttons is having a not so good time again and it isn't even his eye

he's been picking at his food for about a week
drinking much less water
his feet seem sensitive
but he has no fever
his CBT came back showing nothing 
now we're waiting to hear about another test
something to do with his Cushings and the medication he takes for it

i asked the vet should i ride him 
and she said
"Let's not change his usual routine." 
so i took him out today for a stroll in the woods and had to get off 3/4 of the way back
after a brief canter where he pulled himself up short
he felt weird under me
he came up lame
his right hind is bothering him

i left while the barn manager was putting in a call to his vet, who was just there for the blood work
of course i'm leaving on sunday to go to Omega for a week to finish my Reiki Master training
my poor pony
he's old
it's finally all catching up with him

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