Monday, April 7, 2008

women and horseback riding

a friend of mine has been telling me that her crotch is dead. she says she has no more sex drive. it takes a half hour of self pleasuring for her to reach her climax. who has the time i wrote back. she was discussing this with me on email, hotmail actually. i told her that for a couple of years i had felt much the same way, the reason, i guess, being that i've just had too much  sex in my life and maybe it was time to hang up my holster. Or that my lack of desire was nature's way of informing me that i'm all effed out, that the car has run out of gas, the batteries have gone dead, whatever. don't you love 'whatever'? what an insoucient, annoying word. i wish i had had it at my disposal the better to torture my mother with when i was 15. 
what brought your desire back, my friend said. clearly that was the part of my reply she focused on. 
horseback riding, i told her. trail riding. hunter pacing. it's so stimulating. you have this 1,000 hot thing between your thighs and you're dashing pell mell through the woods and o'er hill and dale and your adrenaline is flowing and you're all jived up. it's very sexual.  
do other women riders talk about this my friend said. 
no, i said. that's verboten. then i wrote LOL and got off. 

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