Tuesday, May 20, 2008

whatsamatter with me?

dear blog,
i am so depressed. a woman who saw me writing in a very twee Indian journal where the paper's all handmade and pressed with bits of flowers said to me very sweetly, "Oh, writing in your journal?" I said something awful in response, like i don't write in journals and in fact don't believe in journaling, she said why and i said "Cos you can't make any money off it." 
now really, the truth is that i am, by profession, a Journalist, which to me means that i get paid to organize my thoughts that would otherwise be random journal notes into journalism. like journalism with a capital J. and besides, i have my column and if that isn't a naked journal that i get paid for, i don't know what is. 
it occurs to me that this blog is an on line journal. i know my friend the poet christine kluge told me that she uses hers as a kind of website so that editors and such can see her work easily on line and i guess that's purposeful. but so far i don't know how to make that work for me, so this is just a blog, a silly blog, to be taken no more seriously than someone writing in their diary. 
long live the internet. and besides, my hands are so stiff now from encroaching arthritis that i can no longer hand write any thing and have to type all the time. Ha ha ha.

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