Thursday, May 1, 2008

kick ass ride in the woods today

My son asked me not long ago if a day could go by that i didn't mention something about riding or my horse. the answer is no, actually. today i took a wild, galloping, heart pounding 3 hour ride through the woods and fields and hills and dales and through a couple of deep streams of bedford new york, which is where my horse and I live, and it was breathtaking. We were going so fast that I have to say I did not do my usual bird watching (hawks and other big birds of prey mostly), nor did I comment much about the weather or the deer or any other thing since mostly it was just ride for your life. In a few weeks I'll be doing the Dogwood Ride of Greenwich (known to some as "a private tour of the best back yards of Greenwich") and on Memorial Day weekend, the Bedford Riding Lanes Association Spring Pace, which begins (and ends) at the John Jay Homestead. They ain't for sissies.
A woman on the ride today who keeps her horse in North Salem asked me if it was true that I am the "Carrie Bradshaw" of Bedford. "You should really capitalize on that," she advised, a cig dangling between two fingers of her ungloved hand. You don't see that many women riding sans gloves let alone people smoking on horseback. I liked it. She said a movie is due out on Sex in the City and I said that I thought sex in the suburbs on some essential level was less interesting. But maybe it isn't. Please do if you're reading this, weigh in.

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